Thanks so much for your interest in Export Quality. The play started out as and continues to be a community project. For the writers, though now joined by highly-experienced theater production company and creative team, the project remains a DIY, at the heart of it is the deep connection to and co-creating in/with the grassroots.

Benefits include, but not limited to: listing in various marketing and public-facing platforms; inclusion in online presence (social media, websites); listing in the playbill; ticket discount. List in formation. If you’re interested, please email

Show some love and donate to the Export Quality’s Community Programs. Go HERE to donate. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Come to one, two, or all the Bearing Witness 3-part series. Online via Zoom, free and open to all. Click HERE for more info.

Help spread the word far and wide. Tell your friends, family, networks about the play. Send them to this page.

Share your voice and perspective on our social media channels. Interact with the writers and other members of the production team and the community.

Follow and engage with Export Quality on Instagram (@exportquality_theplay), Facebook (, and Twitter. Share and engage with posts.